Petrinians Reach Out to the Community

Giving back to the community was a yearly mission set forth by the Petrinians. This year, students donated “white gifts,” that is, canned goods, noodles, clothes, or anything they wish to donate for the school’s outreach program, headed by Sir Ariel Valencia. The donations gathered were sent to the Friendship Home Foundation Inc. at Jawa, Valencia and the street dwellers in Dumaguete City on December 22 and 23, 2022.

The “Share a Gift” program aimed to extend help to individuals through sharing food, hygiene supplies and clothes to people who are less fortunate. The outreach team, composed of CSPR teachers and staff, ARCS officers, and Mr. and Ms. CSPR candidates, repacked the goods and headed to the recipients for distribution. They were welcomed by the heads of the institutions with delight. After visiting both facilities, the team then headed to the heart of Dumaguete City to share some gifts to street dwellers around the area.

This has been a yearly activity that the students and teachers look forward to as a form of giving back to the community. The outreach team was thankful for all the donations of the Petrinians, and the program was a success after seeing the smiles of the beneficiaries of the said activity.

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