AUGUST 20, 2022 – Everything starts with God. Petrinians celebrated the Mass of the Holy Spirit in welcoming the threshold of the school year 2022-2023. As a praying community, CSP-R acknowledges the power of God’s grace to provide assistance in all human endeavors. The Mass of the Holy Spirit was a spiritual initiative to ask for God’s guidance in anticipation for the challenges and changes that await the school’s new normal setting.
The Eucharistic celebration was said by Rev. Fr. Ramon Bitancor III, OAR in the Our Lady of the Abandoned Parish. Concelebrating with him were fellow priests: Rev. Fr. Vicente Ramon Jr. OAR (homilist), Rev. Fr. Mark Prado, OAR (Parish Priest) and Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Fornilos, OAR (Assistant Parish Priest).
Following the homily was the Petrinian Faculty and Staff’s Promise of Fidelity to the Catholic Faith. They came forward in front of the altar and made their public profession. Afterwards, the Eucharistic celebration went on. At the conclusion of the Mass, everyone was requested to proceed to the school covered court for the Parent’s Orientation Program.