General Absolution of Petrinians in the Sacrament of Penance

Confession of sins is a pivotal part of the Lenten spirituality. It seals the renewal of our friendship with God and enables us to experience His forgiveness. On the 5th of April, Petrinians were privileged to receive general absolution of their sins. In lieu of the regular Wednesday Eucharistic celebration, CSP-R celebrated the sacrament of penance instead. At 7: 30 AM, Rev. Fr. Vicente Ramon Jr., OAR presided the liturgy which covered the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, reading of the Word, and examination of conscience. Songs and hymns also were played to accompany the full experience of Christ. This serves as the preparatory liturgy for the community’s journey within the Paschal Triduum that starts the next day (Holy Thursday, April 6, 2023).

The abundance of silence throughout the liturgy conditioned Petrinians to examine their personal relationship with God, others and self. The period of prayerful meditation made it convenient for each participant to strike an intimate conversation and dialogue with God. At this point forward, they were asked to mention their sins before the Lord in their own hearts and express sorrow for it by saying the act of contrition. Following this was the general absolution, reposition, final blessing and dismissal.

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